Friday, 19 May 2023

All Things Moth


Equipment: A4 good-quality coloured pics of moths (see below), print-outs of Martian Colour Wheels. Blank paper and dictionaries. 

Have video links ready. 

Lesson Plan:

1. Give out pics of moths, colour wheels and verbs-for-flying sheets (below). Let each child choose a particular moth to focus on.

2. Watch videos and talk about them. How does the moth fly? Look at the verbs-for-flying sheet below.

7 Spectacular Moths in Slow Motion!

Giant Polyphemus Moth the Size of a Bird (sound up)

3.  Identify your moth's colours on the Martian Colour Wheel. Share findings with the group. As teacher, you can help explain unfamiliar words/pronunciations, e.g. ochre.

4. 60-second warm-up: - name some things that are silent or quiet


                                          - name some things that are thin, delicate or fragile

Share ideas.

5. Now they are ready to write: tell them to write fast, don’t over-think or worry about spelling. They can edit later. Read each prompt and watch carefully to see when they are ready for the next. If a child is struggling, say, 'Leave that one. Listen for the next.'

Offer the children a chance to share their poems if they want to. Encourage them to edit and correct their own spellings. The group I taught were delighted by what they produced. Close-study drawing of the moth is a complementary activity, either pre-writing or post-.

These photos are all my own, so no need to worry about copyright.