Tuesday, 26 February 2019

9 Unlucky Things

Today we used - with permission - this brilliant poetry idea from David Groves. I put the poem up on the projector and we read it through together, and pretty much every line got a laugh. 

Then I gave out the worksheets and asked for the children to come up with their own ideas, the more bizarre the better. I said the poems didn't have to rhyme, but I gave them the option of coming up with a rhyming couplet for the end. I suggested as a last line either:

When you realise you've run out of roo--
When you realise there's no more room on the pa--

and gave them a selection of useful rhyming words (broom, boom, zoom, tomb, doom, rage, page, rampage, cage, stage, outrage, age, wage).

Favourite lines: 
                              When you go to sharpen your pencil but miss and sharpen your finger
                              When you knock down a whole aisle of cereal in the supermarket
                              When you get run over by Thomas the Tank Engine
                              When it rains knives

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