Thursday, 12 September 2019

Ridiculous New School Rules

As usual for this point in the term, I don't have permission to post any of the children's work yet. Instead here's the plan I used, and you'll just have to take my word for it the children's versions were very funny.

I took the idea for whacky new school rules from Brian Moses' blog, which is a brilliant fund of ideas for poetry and other forms of creative writing. We began by listing some of the normal rules we have in school and the reasons behind them. Then I suggested there might be some new rules coming in at half term, for instance if you own a pet, you have to ride it to school. ("But I have a goldfish, Miss!" "I'd crush my hamster!")

The children quickly understood we were looking for silly and outrageous ideas, and I gave them these handouts to help start them off.

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