Sunday 24 November 2019

Script for an Advert

I don't claim this as original, but it's certainly an enjoyable and lively activity. We only have a 45 minute slot in my after-school club, but it's an idea you could expand to fill several lessons with upper KS2, really drilling down into the way advertisements are structured across various media.

As preparation, I took some fun-size Cosmic Whips (supermarket's own-brand Milky Ways) and wrapped them individually in plain paper. I gave out one to each child - though one between two would be fine, or even one per small group if you're on a very tight budget. 

The students then received the sheet above and I told them they were in charge of launching a new snack bar onto the market. They had to quickly decide on a name and brand image for their bar, using the prompts on the sheet, then when they were ready, script a YouTube or TV advert for the product. 

Those who wanted to performed their scripts and we videoed them, too.

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